Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wow, has it been a week since I've said Hi?

Am I ever amiss in my posts! I finally got a chance to sit down for a moment to say hello. Guess my week has been busier than I thought. I turned 47 on monday. Had a lovely day doing absolutely zilch. It was great, nothing to do but putter around the house all day, all by myself. Does anyone else think that it is heaven to just putter around a quiet house all alone? So there I was alone with my thoughts wondering how did I ever get to be 47? I don't even remember turning 37 yet alone another whole decade. So here is what I've decided after this birthday...remember when we were younger and someone would ask your age and they were always surprised because you look sooooo much younger. Well, I admit it. I like that, but alas I look my age these days...then it dawned on me. After this year on my next birthday when I turn 48 glorious years, I am going to tell everyone that I am turning 53! See I figure I look decent for 48, but I will look great for 53!!!!!


  1. LOL! Sounds like a plan to me!!
    I also love puttering around in my house with no responsibilities and no one to take care of. I think it is something that a man can't appreciate. In '07 we went on a week's cruise to Alaska. I loved the cruise because I didn't have any responsibilities for the cooking or cleaning. I just arose when I wanted, threw my towels in the floor, and walked out to eat a breakfast that someone else fixed. Didn't have to do dishes, either! Then I wandered around viewing beautiful scenery, reading my book, chatting with new people, etc. It was pure luxury. So different from camping trips where you have to plan the meals, shop, pack, haul all the stuff to the camp site, set up, cook with limited materials, sleep on the ground (well. . . I have moved up to an air mattress -- I'm far too old to sleep on the ground anymore!)
    Anyway, you know what I mean.

    I've got 20 years more living than you -- I remember that my 46th birthday was the one that hit me hard. 46? I couldn't be 46! But, I was and those birthdays just kept coming. They do that and you can't stop them (you know you really don't want to) so just go ahead and live each year to the fullest and don't worry about the numbers. They mean nothing -- until you get to 65, and that has financial benefits!
    Hope you have a wonderful year!

  2. You've got a great idea here girl - I love being in my home wandering from one project to another - pink mucky boots rock- Mossy
